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  • have sb doing sth什么意思?

    have sb doing sth什么意思?

    综述:have sb./sth.do sth.与have sb./sth.doing sth.两者都是宾语发出的主动动作.前者指 “使某人/物做某事(指一次性的具体的动作)”;后者指“使某人/物一直处于某种状态”,常接一段时间作状语。 have sb do sth 造句:1、I have Mary clean my bedroom .我让玛丽打扫了我的卧室。(一次性...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 185 ℃ 655
  • have sb. doing造句

    have sb. doing造句

    have sb doing sth 有两种意思: 1.使某人开始做某事 2.劝说或命令某人做某事

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 500 ℃ 746
  • leave sb doing sth造句

    leave sb doing sth造句

    doing homework every weekend. 我的父母每个周末都把我一个人留在家里做作业. there be +名词+ left 2句 No.1 There is nothing left in the bottle. 瓶子里面什么也没有. No.2 There are two apples left in the basket. 篮子里还剩两个苹果. have sb.doing sth.1句 No.1 He must have you cleanin...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 651 ℃ 262
  • have sb. doing sth.造句 要翻译

    have sb. doing sth.造句 要翻译

    He has lucy doing this job all day.他一整天都在让露西做这份工作

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 292 ℃ 686
  • catch sb doing sth造句

    catch sb doing sth造句

    The boss caught me playing computer games in office. Dad caught me sneaking into his bedroom.

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 301 ℃ 241
  • have sb do sth和have sth do的区别?

    have sb do sth和have sth do的区别?

    综述:have sb./sth.do sth.与have sb./sth.doing sth.两者都是宾语发出的主动动作.前者指 “使某人/物做某事(指一次性的具体的动作)”;后者指“使某人/物一直处于某种状态”,常接一段时间作状语。 have sb do sth 造句:1、I have Mary clean my bedroom .我让玛丽打扫了我的卧室。(一次性...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 393 ℃ 466
  • can't have sb doing sth什么意思 have使动用法

    can't have sb doing sth什么意思 have使动用法

    意思是不能容忍,相当于can not stand/tolorate/bear doing。使役动词have的用法:1、have+宾语+过去分词这种结构一般有两种意义,一为致使,二... have+宾语+现在分词这种结构有两种意思,一是使某人做某事,二是与否定词连用,表示不许某人做某事。have sth done ...

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 449 ℃ 491
  • have sb/sth doing造句

    have sb/sth doing造句

    They had fun playing in the watch. I have difficulties studying math.

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 264 ℃ 469
  • have sb doing造句很急

    have sb doing造句很急

    He had the fire burning all night long.

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 389 ℃ 493
  • can sb do sth造句?

    can sb do sth造句?

    Can you make a model plane? 你会做模型飞机吗? Can you sing and dance? 你会唱歌跳舞吗?

    2024-07-19 网络 更多内容 857 ℃ 937